hands-together-871294932977UgOOver the past year I have seen several great examples of family purpose statements.  We don't formally have one yet, but I think that will be going on our "to-do" list for 2012.  I am already a list writer and it is always helpful for me to see things written down.  Finding and writing your family's priorities will help each family member understand the goals you are trying to achieve and why the rules you have set in place are there.  There is a great post here for building a purpose statement and the following is a sample of another family's goals.

*We will nurture our spiritual growth and love relationship with Jesus by making personal worship, prayer, and Bible times of primary importance.

*We will be careful and intentional about time commitments, guarding family evenings and date nights while inviting others freely into our lives.

*We will grow in sacrificial giving by increasing the money given away to international causes and missions while spending less on ourselves each year.

*We will take care of our bodies, souls, and spirits by staying physically fit, nourishing our bodies with real food, and carving out regular time for rest, renewal, relaxation, and recreation.

*We will seek to make every moment an opportunity to teach, shape, nurture, and inspire our children to be Christ-followers.

*We will seek to make the gospel attractive by living in grace, joy, and freedom. We will seek to instruct and shape their hearts rather than merely modify their behavior.

*We will seek to motivate them by love and grace rather than pride and fear. We will praise their obedience, humility, generosity, godly ambition and courage.

*We will measure “success” by whether our and our children’s hearts are being increasingly conformed to the image of Christ.

1 Comment

That's a great post and a great encouragement to give clarity to the main purposes we're aiming to accomplish for our family. It's one thing to parent on the fly, and a complete other thing to purposefully parent. We'll be working on a statement as well now and would love to see what you guys come up with.

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