"What good news God proclaims to us at the Table - what a visible sign of God's grace we enjoy! As surely as I know, without any doubt of hesitation, that I am holding bread and sipping juice, so surely can I know, with complete confidence, God loves me in Christ. I fear that in most churches the Lord's Supper is either celebrated so infrequently as to be forgotten or celebrated with such thoughtless monotony that churchgoers endure it rather that enjoy it. But the Lord's Supper is meant to nourish and to stregnthen our weak faith." - Kevin DeYoung. The Good News We Almost Forgot. 138.

Question 75: How does the Lord's Supper remind you and assure you that you share in Christ's one sacrifice on the cross and in all his gifts?

Answer: In this way: Christ commanded me and all believers to eat this broken bread and drink this cup. With this command He gave this promise: First, as surely as I see with my eyes the bread of the Lord broken for me and cup given to me, so surely His body was offered and broken for me and His blood poured out for me on the cross. Second, as surely as I receive from the hand of the one who serves, and taste with my mouth the bread and the cup of the Lord, given me as sure signs of Christ's body and blood, so surely He nourishes and refreshes my soul for eternal life with His crucified body and poured-out blood. 

Question 76: What does it mean to eat the crucified body of Christ and to drink His poured-out blood?

Answer: It means to accept with a believing heart the entire suffering and death of Christ and by believing to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. But it means more. Through the Holy Spirit, who lives both in Christ and in us, we are united more and more to Christ's blessed body. And so, although He is in heaven and we are on earth, we are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. And we forever live on and are governed by one Spirit, as members of our body are by one soul.

Question 77: Where does Christ promise to nourish and refresh believers with his body and blood as surely as they eat this broken bread and drink this cup?

Answer: In 1 Corinthinas 10:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

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